miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

English Punctuation

When do we Use Capital Letters?FIND THE MISTAKES!!!!!

1. Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun 'I':
  • What can I say?
2. Use a capital letter to begin a sentence or to begin speech:
  • The man arrived. he sat down.
  • Suddenly Mary asked, "Do you love me?"
3. Use capital letters for many abbreviations and acronyms:
  • N.A.T.O. or NATO or Nato (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
4. Use a capital letter for days of the week, months of the year, holidays:
  • Monday, tuesday
  • January, February
  • Christmas
5. Use a capital letter for countries, languages & nationalities, religions:
  • China, France, spain, Italy
  • Japanese, English
  • Christianity, Buddhism
. Use a capital letter for people's names and titles:
  • Anthony, Ram, William shakespeare
  • Professor Jones, Dr Smith
  • Captain Kirk, King Henry VIII
7. Use a capital letter for trade-marks and names of companies and other organizations:
  • Pepsi Cola, Walkman
  • Microsoft Corporation, Toyota, mercedes.
  • the United Nations, the Red Cross
8. Use a capital letter for places and monuments:
  • london, Paris, the Latin Quarter
  • the Eiffel Tower, St Paul's Cathedral
  • Buckingham Palace, the White House
  • Oxford Street, Fifth Avenue
  • Jupiter, Mars
  • asia, the Middle East, the North Pole
9. Use a capital letter for names of vehicles like ships, trains and spacecraft:
  • the Titanic
  • the Orient Express
10. Use a capital letter for titles of books, poems, songs, plays, films etc:
  • war And Peace
  • The lion king, Gone With The Wind
11. Use capital letters (sometimes!) for headings, titles of articles, books etc, and newspaper headlines:

Copy and complete the activity:
1) Use commas to separate items in a list of three or more.
1.Carlos wants to visit Paris Italy Germany and China. 

2. My favorite colors are blue red and pink. 

3. I like to go hiking fishing swimming and camping during 

4. I have to clean my room walk the dog and take out the trash. 

5. The tree is very tall old and green. 

6. I need to visit my mother wash my car and buy six stamps. 

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