domingo, 9 de octubre de 2022


 Match to make sentences about al-Andalus

  1. Match to make sentences about al-Andalus.

  2. Write true or false. Correct the false sentences.

a) From 711 A.D. to 929 A.D. al-Andalus was an independent caliphate.            
False. From 711 A.D. to 929 A.D. al-Andalus was an emirate.

b) Abderramán III established the Córdoba Caliphate.             

c) The Christian kingdoms became a centre of art and learning.             
False. Al-andalus became a centre of art and learning.

d) The Alhambra in Granada is an example of Muslim architecture.             

3.Tick the things that Córdoba had in the 10th century A.D. Then complete the text.

Córdoba was a beautiful and very advanced city in the 10th century A.D. It had many facilities, such as running water and street lights. It also had mosques and a library

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