lunes, 14 de febrero de 2022

TUESDAY 15th February 5th graders

5º English

  1. Complete the sentences, using the positive, comparative and superlative of the adjectives in brackets in your notebook.
    1. Dad's car is much  than mine. (fast)
    2. I think scuba diving is  than climbing. (fascinating)
    3. His thirst grew  and . (big / big)
    4. He thinks this test was  than the last one. (difficult)
    5. They live in a really  house. (beautiful)
    6. She is the  tennis player of the world. (good)
    7. Susan is a  girl. She's much  than her sister. (nice / nice)
    8. This suitcase is  than the others. (heavy)
    9. Hotels in London are  than in Vienna. (expensive)
    10. Bob is  than Keith, but Phil is the . (tall / tall).
  2. Interactive activity
  3. Comparisons AS.... AS ( TAN ....COMO)

5º Social

Complete these worksheets and send them to my email:

  1. Population 1
  2. Population 2
  3. True or False
  4. Multiple choice questions

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