miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

English : "Christmas"

 "This is a wonderful Christmas song"

Xmas song

Science: Plants Nutrition


  • An animated description of the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide seeps into leaves through pores called stomata. It reaches the chloroplasts where chlorophyll uses energy from sunlight to bind the carbon dioxide with water brought up from the roots to form carbohydrates. Oxygen is produced as a by-product.
  • Subject: science   Topic: Bio: Plants - Photosynthesis
  • Keywords: photosynthesis, stomata, chloroplasts, chlorophyll, carbohydrates, oxygen, carbon dioxide, biology, plants, bitesize


miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013


      "Thanksgiving  Celebration"

I think, that after studying this Festival,  you can answer these questions.

1.Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?

2. What do they do?

3.When is Thanksgiving day?

4.What do they eat?

Thanksgiving History
Thanksgiving video

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

"Special days"

                                     "25 de NOVIEMBRE 
                                   DÍA INTERNACIONAL
                      CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO"

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

Special Days

                                    "25 de NOVIEMBRE 
                                   DÍA INTERNACIONAL
                      CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO"

Here you can see more t-shirts:

A través de la paz interior se puede conseguir la paz mundial. La atmósfera de paz debe ser creada dentro de uno mismo, entonces se podrá crear en la familia y luego en la comunidad"
                                                                  Dalai Lama


"La paz comienza con una sonrisa" :)

Madre Teresa De Calcuta

"Tengo un sueño, un solo sueño, seguir soñando. Soñar con la libertad, soñar con la justicia, soñar con la igualdad y ojalá ya no tuviera necesidad de soñarlas"
Martin Luther King

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

"Special Days"

                                                      "25 de NOVIEMBRE 
                                     DÍA INTERNACIONAL
                       CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO"

El Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer  aprobado por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en su resolución 54/134 el 17 de diciembre de 1999, se celebra anualmente cada 25 de noviembre.

"Todo acto de violencia basado en el género que tiene como resultado posible o real un daño físico, sexual o psicológico, incluidas las amenazas, la coerción o la prohibición arbitraria de la libertad, ya sea que ocurra en la vía pública o en la vía privada."

Nosotros desde la escuela hemos colaborado, diseñando unas camisetas que nos ha proporcionado la concejalía de la mujer de San Agustín del Guadalix.

These are  some of our t-shirts!
 Hemos charlado y dialogado con los alumnos para explicarles  la importancia del respeto  e igualdad entre  todas las personas a nuestro alrededor sea cual sea su condición, raza, color, sexo....

Y han dibujado todo tipo de símbolos como manos, rostros...

During the art lesson we prepared all the materials we need: 
  • the special felt tips. to draw  the pictures on the fabric.
  • clothes pegs to hold the t shirt.
  • a big carboard to  put in the middle of the t-shirt.
Los resultados ha sido fantasticos y se han reflejado en los estupendos dibujos de los niños.                                              

En ellas se ha intentado reflejar este espiritu de respeto, e igualdad.

...y han escrito en ambos idiomas!!!

Sois unos artistas!!! 

Science : Living Things and life processes.

                  " A HORSE THAT CAN SWIM"
A sea horse is a facinating animal ! it is a fish, but with a different shape of body.In fact, it is named after a horse because of the sahpe of its head.
It even swims in a different way from other fish.It swims standing up and, when it  wants to stand still or hide, it holds onto a plant with its tail.

But what makes it really different, not just from other fish  but from all animal species, is that the male has the babies. The female passes her eggs to a bag near the male´s abdomen.The eggs stay there for aproximately 3 weeks and then 100 to 250 little sea horses are born.
Sadly this beautiful animal is in danger of extincion.

Sea horse

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Unit 2. Rocks and minerals. Part 4.

 Science: Properties of Rocks.

The Trickster has opened a time portal and is draining all life from Earth. Test your materials knowledge and save the planet in this Sarah Jane Adventures game.

Science BBC Play it !

Unit 2. Rocks and minerals. Part 3.

Rocks and minerals. Part 3

Science : Rocks Formation. Weathering and Erosion

Science Video

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Science: Unit 2 Rocks and Minerals.Part 2

                         Part 2: Lesson content
  • 1.Rocks :Definition and Characteristics.
  • 2.How are rocks formed?" 
  • 3.Uses of rocks. 
                    2.  How are rocks formed
  • Video
Through the video I explained the content. It was visual and easy to understand. A fabulous "hands on" activity was included here. Here you can see a fantastic video to explain the formation of rocks.I suggested to do the experiment at home with the help of an adult.

 "Rocks formation video"


Here you can see the rocks they made.
In the classroom they explained how they made the rocks with the help of their families, and everyone could see and touch the rocks.

Thank you!!!

This is one of the activity that my children has written. Here there is a wonderful notebook with an outline about the rocks formation

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

SCIENCE : Unit 2. Rocks and Minerals. Part 1

SCIENCE : Unit 2. Rocks and Minerals.
Lesson content:

1.Minerals: Definition, Characteristics and  names of minerals.
"All about minerals"

We have studied 4 main properties:
  • Colour
  • Lustre: shiny, metallic or dull.
  • Visibility of crystals
  • Hardness: hard or soft.
But we include some more properties for children that always need more challenging information.This gives me the chance to talk about many more minerals and uses.They are :
  • Size:large,small, medium size or big.
  • Permeability : permeable or impermeable.
  • Weight : heavy or light.
  • Transparency : transparent or opaque.
  • Shape: geometric, irregular round and oval.
  • Texture: rough,smooth or sharp.
  • Conductivity: we can heat it or cool it.  

Minerals are around us and we use them form many things. In this part of the unit I have tried to used real objects to help the students to identify minerals and uses and to remember the vocabulary.
An easy example could be : "we use graphite to make the leads in pencils"

Here you have a game to  help you to remember the different uses of minerals. 
Have a good time and learn!
Uses game

"Festivals : Halloween"

                              "Halloween 2013"     
                       Pumkins School Contest

Hi everyone!
Visit Miss Estibaliz Blog and you will enjoy this fantastic video about the amazing pumpkins you have made. All all them colorful and really scary.

Halloween pumkins