martes, 22 de enero de 2019


  1. In 711 A.D Muslims came from North of Africa.
  2. It became a new territory called Al Andalus.
  3. Religion: Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula 7th century. Followers are called
  1. Prophet : Mohammed  
  2. One god :  Allah
  3. Sacred book :  Koran
  4. Government: Caliphates are muslims empires ruled by the Caliphs.
  5. From 711 A.D. to 929 A.D Al Andalus was an emirate.
  1.  It was a part of the Caliphate.
  2. The capital was Córdoba.
  3. In 929 A.D.  Abderraman III declared Al Andalus an independent caliphate.
  4. Later Al Andalus divided into taifa kingdoms.
6.Córdoba was an advanced city at that time with: running water, street lights,
and the world´s largest library.
7.Monuments : “ La Alhambra de Granada”, “ La Mezquita de Córdoba” y
La Giralda de Sevilla”.

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