miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Unit 1 Planet Earth

Social Sciences 4TH      Unidad 1 PLANET EARTH

Vamos a comenzar la unidad 1 de su libro de Ciencias Sociales Oxford Think Do! Learn 4. Esta unidad tiene por título Planet Earth (“Planeta Tierra”), y en ella aprenderemos:
  • Las líneas imaginarias empleadas en los mapas para describir un lugar de la superficie terrestre.
  • Los movimientos de la Tierra y las capas en las que se divide.
  • Los descubrimientos llevados a cabo por astrónomos.
Os adjunto el vocabulario más importante que aprenderá a lo largo de la unidad.
Quisiera animaros a que ayudéis a vuestro hijo/a a interiorizar los contenidos utilizando las audiciones y canciones de la unidad, la presentación PowerPoint y las actividades de Let’s play! ubicados en la Plus Zone. Asimismo, os invito a buscar con vuestros hijos vídeos en los que podáis observar los movimientos terrestres para que se familiaricen con ellos.
Sin duda, vuestra colaboración ayudará a que vuestro hijo/a aprenda y se divierta.

Planet Earth (Planeta Tierra) Unidad 1

Lista de vocabulario

anticlockwise rotation = rotación en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj
atmosphere = atmósfera
axis = eje
core = núcleo
crust = corteza
Equator = Ecuador
geographic coordinate = coordinada geográfica
geosphere = geosfera
Greenwich Meridian = Meridiano de Greenwich
hydrosphere = hidrosfera
imaginary lines = líneas imaginarias
latitude = latitud
lenses = lentes
longitude = longitud
magma = magma
mantle = manto
meridians = meridianos
North Pole = Polo Norte
Northern Hemisphere = hemisferio norte
parallels = paralelos
revolution = traslación
rotation = rotación
South Pole = Polo Sur
Southern Hemisphere = hemisferio sur
telescope = telescopio
tilt = inclinación

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

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They have a soft muscular body, often protected by a hard shell. Some live on land (snails), but most (mussels and octopuses) live in the sea.
They live in the sea. They are protected from predators by hard skin or spikes and often brightly coloured. (example: starfish)


Some of them live in the sea. They have a long, soft body divided into segments. A very importat example of annelid is the earthworm.

     Complete this food chain.
1. The rabbit eats the ____________. It is a consumer (_______________).
2. The ___________ eats the rabbit. It is a _____________ (carnivore).
3. The lynx dies. Bacteria and __________ break down its remains and turn them into ___________. They are _____________.
4. The plant makes its own food using the ___________ in the soil. It is a ___________.

Correct these false sentences.
a) Octopuses and jellyfish are both molluscs.
b) Arthropods and annelids both have hard exoskeletons.
c) Sponges are animals with soft, segmented bodies.
d) Pollination takes place when a runner or tuber produces a bud.

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Complete the sentences with the words below:                                                      


a) In sexual reproduction, there are two main steps: 

______________ and fertilisation.

b) The first one consists on pollen going from the 

_____________ of one flower to the _____________ of a

 different, or the same, flower.

c) Pollination can be helped by insects (__________ 

_________), by the wind (____________ ___________) or it 

can happen inside the same flower


d) The pollen joins an _______________ to make a


e) The pistil grows around the seed into a 


f) The fruit falls to the ground and the seed grows into a new 


They have a soft muscular body, often protected by a hard shell. Some live on land (snails), but most (mussels and octopuses) live in the sea.
They live in the sea. They are protected from predators by hard skin or spikes and often brightly coloured. (example: starfish)


Some of them live in the sea. They have a long, soft body divided into segments. A very importat example of annelid is the earthworm.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016


 Hi babies!!! Here you have some questions to review  Unit 1 Kingdoms. Study a lot!!!

1. Write ‘animal’, ‘plant’ or ‘fungi’. 
a) They make their own food.
b) They eat other living things. 
c) They eat the remains of living things or grow and feed on things that are still living.
d) They can move around.
e) In a food chain, they are producers. f) In a food chain, they are decomposers.
2.Write ‘True’ or ‘false’. Correct the false ones.
 a) Molluscs are vertebrate animals. ______________________________________________________ b) Jellyfish have a hard shell and tentacles. _____________________________________________________
c) Bacteria have just one cell. ______________________________________________________d) Red blood cells carry sugar around the body. __________________________________________________
e) Arthropods have segments. _______________________________________________________

3.Complete these sentences. 
a) Molluscs, jellyfish, ___________, echinoderms, ___________ and arthropods are all invertebrates.
b) The animal kingdom is formed by vertebrate and ____________ animals. 
c) Lions are _______________. They eat other animals. 
d) The smallest cells can only be seen with a _____________.
e) Mammals are born directly from their mother. They are ________________.
 f) ______________ eat both animals and plants.
g) There are three kinds of plants: grasses, ________ and trees. 
h) Fish use ___________ to get oxygen from the water. 
i) Mushrooms, ___________ and ___________ are all fungi.

4. Choose the correct answer
a) In sexual reproduction, pollen goes from the stamen to the… 
1. pistil 2. seed 3. fruit 

b) The pollen joins an ovule to make a seed. This is called…
 1. pollination 2. fertilisation 3. photosynthesis 

c) Stems which grow along the ground are called… 
1. buds 2. tubers 3. runners

"Interactive game about plants"

Resultado de imagen de plants interactive games bbc

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

Test question

Try to finish this question:

ACTIVITY- Complete the sentences using:
am is are have got has got Do Does

  1. Karen …………….long dark hair and brown eyes.
  2. We …………….. from Spain. and you where ……..you from?
  3. I ………not Spanish. I ……….English, said Lucas.
  4. Our school ………….. a tennis court, a basketball court and a playground with olive trees.
  5. …….you live near the school?
  6. I ……………….. lot of toys, but I love playing computer games.
  7. He …………not reading a book, he ……… reading a novel.
  8. What …….your mother say to wake you up in the morning?
  9. How many children …………..there in the classroom?

English , sciences and maths!!!

 Here you can see our diagrams about plants and animals.